21 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Gaps Between Current Research and Potential Research Issues that Could Make a Difference

A review of currently available treatments suggests a number of areas for further study. Some of these recommendations are within the realm of improved evaluation and assessment.[i]
§   Improved detection and evaluation of dementia, especially in the prodromal and early stages, when treatment that slows progression would be more likely to be beneficial. This implies the development of a reliable diagnostic tool.
§   There is a clear need for increase biomarkers for measuring disease progression – the lack of these means that trials of disease modifying therapies will not move ahead as rapidly as possible.  The use of surrogate endpoints e.g. imaging also needs more investigation. (see below).
§   Development of consensus on clinically meaningful outcome measures and ‘hard’ endpoints, such as institutionalization and mortality.39
§   Within the field of pharmacologic therapy, there is a critical need for medicines with greater ability to improve cognition or at least halt the progression of dementia. Areas that are already being actively studied in patients with AD include cholinergic agonists, vitamin E, NSAIDs and antioxidants.39
§   Despite the progression in the areas mentioned above, research and development needs to further identify and test new cognition-enhancing medicines based on the pathophysiology and information learned about the disease from neuroscience and molecular genetics. For example, pharmacologic agents that prevent or slow amyloid deposition or remove precipitated amyloid which might serve to prevent or reverse AD.39
§   Other research directions that can greatly affect management of AD, is the optimal pharmacologic treatment of noncognitive symptoms, including psychosis, agitation, depressions and sleep disturbances. Many current recommendations are based on small-uncontrolled studies or agents no longer in common use and/or at doses well above those used in current practice. There is, therefore, a critical need for randomized controlled studies and guidelines on up-to-date treatments for non-cognitive symptoms present in AD.39
§   Clinical questions that need to be further evaluated and studied include what to treat? There is a problem surrounding the terminology, and diagnosis associated with dementia and AD. Confusion remains about when to initiate treatment; how to treat -i.e. what agents to start, how to switch drugs in the case of decreased efficacy, intolerance, adverse effects or drug interactions and how long to treat AD.39
§   In addition to symptomatic or palliative options, increased knowledge of the anatomical, cellular and molecular basis of AD, together with the identification of new drug targets, which may prevent, slow or delay its onset are needed. These possibilities may be expedited by the further progress in research and development of improved animal; introduction of more efficient and effective clinical trials, and the use of non-invasive imaging to monitor the progression of the disease. It has been estimated that delaying the onset of AD by approximately 5 years would reduce the numbers dramatically by about 50% by 2050.[ii]
Combination therapies are likely to offer maximum benefit in longer term disease modification

[i] http://wismed.medicallibrary.medem.com. Wisconsin Medical Library. American Psychiatric Association. Excerpted from “The American Psychiatric Association’s Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias of Late Life”. Last accessed April 1, 2004.
[ii] Palmer A. Pharmacotherapy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Progress and Prospects. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2002; 23(9): 426-433.

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